When you sell a company, you must be prepared for the process. You need to know where and how to find the best buyers, to assess the value of your company and have the arguments supporting the valuation.

“At a critical stage in the development of our company, Kim not only identified new investors, but also redefined our product strategy” Hansjörg Hug, CEO Bandplanet
“Kim was very efficient in analysing our foreign subsidiaries and in creating a development plan” Charles Fränkl, Division Head Swisscom

“Zukunftsorientierte Unternemensbewertung”
Article in Praxis 4/1996

“Bewertung von KMUs: Wieviel ist meine Firma wert?”
Article in KMU Ratgeber, 29. Okt. 1998


1998 - 1999

Resturcturing of subsidiaries and assessment of investment opportunities
for Swisscom

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2001 - 2002

Successfull sale of Swiss metal tooling company for Swiss private individual