A thoroughly prepared financial model is the core planning and controlling tool of any business. It should be fully dynamic in order to allow sensitivity analysis and scenario building.

“Kim immediately understood our business model which he quickly transformed into a full dynamic financial planning model” Lesley Horlacher, CEO Charm Community
“Kim has a lot of experience, he is fast in recognising problems, developing solutions which he implements” Pierre-Yves Caboussat, Head of Innovation, The Swiss Post
“Swissmade – oder doch nicht?”
Sic!, Februar 2010

“Bewertung von Architektur- und Ingenieurbüros”
Article in Schweizerische Ingenieur und Architekt Nr. 8, 20. Feb. 1997



CTI Start-up (Fereral Office for Education and Technology), coach for technology start-ups.

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Swiss Post Solutions, Development of Web2Print solutions.